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Course Enrollments

Updated on June 26, 2024

Course enrollments are managed in Sensei LMS > Students. When a learner is enrolled in a course, it means that the course is listed on their My Courses page, and they can view lessons and take quizzes:

Read this First

This documentation is for users with self-hosted WordPress sites. If you are hosting Sensei on, please refer to the instructions at the end of this document.

How do I enroll a learner in a course?

When someone purchases a course, they are automatically enrolled in it. However, there may be times when you would like to enroll a learner in a course regardless of whether or not they have purchased it.

There are two ways to enroll a learner. The first one is to check the learner’s name box. Then, click the Select Bulk Actions dropdown menu and select Add to Course. The Select Action button will activate by turning it in blue color. Click that button, and a Choose Course box will open with an option to search for the desired course in the search bar or by scrolling down the list of courses. Select the course you wish to add and click Add to Course. The learner is now manually enrolled in the course.

The second way to add a student to a course is to click on the three-dot menu at the right of the student’s name. Once clicked, a menu will display, select Add to Course and the Choose Course box will appear, so you can pick the course you wish to add your student to.

To enroll learners who were previously enrolled but had their enrollment removed, please see the How do I restore a learner’s enrollment? section below.

How do I remove a learner from a course?

To remove a learner, locate the course and learner in Sensei LMS > Students, and follow the same instructions as adding a student to a course, but instead of choosing the option Add to Course, select Remove from Course. This will unenroll the learner and revoke their access to the course. The status of any order, subscription, or membership associated with the learner’s enrollment is unaffected:

How do I restore a learner’s enrollment?

Unenrolled students who previously purchased a course can have their enrollment restored by following the exact instructions in the How do I enroll a learner in a course? section. This will re-enroll the learner in the course, and enrollment will once again be controlled by the associated order/subscription/membership:

Learners who were manually enrolled (i.e. because they signed up for a free course or were enrolled directly by an administrator) can have their enrollment restored by following the exact instructions as in the How do I enroll a learner in a course? section. This works the same as restoring an enrollment, with no order/subscription/membership controlling their enrollment.

Learner Enrollment Management on

On, when you use a plugin like Sensei that requires users to register and log in to the website, you need to make some changes to a few settings to access Sensei’s user-related features fully.

Here are the steps to make these changes:

  1. Follow this guide on using Membership Plugins to set a password for wp-admin and switch the admin style to Classic View.
  2. You can add, delete, or update users on your Sensei site from WP-admin > Users page and give them a “Customer” or “Subscriber” role.
  3. Once learners are added as a user on your site, you can manually enroll them in the course by going to Sensei LMS > Courses > Manage, as noted in this document section.