Quizzes & Assessments

Make assessments and certification testing a breeze with our easy-to-use quiz builder.

  • New! Auto-quiz AI
  • 7 question types
  • Automated feedback
  • Self-grading
  • Allow repeat attempts
  • Question banks
  • Quiz timers

Join the more than 10,000 creators using Sensei

Art of Accomplishment
Skillcourse Plus

Generate quiz questions with AI

AI-powered quiz questions based on your content. Let AI help you craft quizzes with ease.

Advanced question types built for online courses

Build quizzes with a variety of question options like multiple choice, true/false, gap fill, ordering, or even letting your students upload files.

Provide immediate feedback to your students

Add personalized responses depending on your student’s answers for instant evaluation.

Assign weights and auto-grade your questions

Set the passing score and give individual questions different weights or values based on difficulty. Use auto-grading to show your students instant results.

Timed quizzes and certifications

For certification courses (or to keep students moving), in Sensei Pro, you can easily set a timer on a quiz.

Manage your questions and categorize them

Create a “bank” of questions that can be reused in other lessons and courses. Use a question bank to randomize the order and the questions in a quiz too.