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Course Access Expiration

Updated on January 20, 2023

Course Expiration is a feature included in Sensei Pro that allows you to set up an expiration time for a course.

Setup Course Access Expiration

In the course editor, use the Access Period panel in the sidebar. Set the period of time that you would like to give access to the learners.

This setting is located in the sidebar. So if the sidebar is closed you can open that by clicking on the engine icon (Settings) in the top right corner of your editor.

If you are using Classic Editor, notice that it’s not supported since Sensei LMS 3.1.

When the Course Expiration starts counting

When you set a course to expire, new learners that get access to the course will have their access expired after that period of time from their enrollment. The expirations always happen at midnight.

The access expiration for a learner is set immediately in the enrollment time. It means that the access expiration is defined based on the setting at the moment a learner is enrolled. A learner already enrolled in a course won’t have their access expiration changed after the expiration setting is updated in that course.

Notice that the first access day counts. It means that if you set the course to expire in 1 day, and the learner gets access at 11:00 PM, they’ll have access for 1 hour (until midnight).

Learner Notifications

Learners will receive notifications about the expiration in the frontend, and through email. The notification emails are sent on the day of the expiration, 3 days for the expiration, and 7 days for the expiration.

Viewing/Managing Access Expiration

To view access expiration dates for existing students, go to Sensei LMS > Students and click on a course name under Enrolled Courses (you can filter by course if necessary so only that course is shown):

You’ll see a list of students taking the course, and the Access Expiration column will show the expiration date for each student:

To change the expiration date, click on the date for the student you want to change, and select a new date from the calendar, then click Update Student: